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Now that you have seen my antenna designs it is probably time to find out who I am ... Station Animals Photography Travels Motorcycle I started this website in 2012, after having had a first article in the Dubus Magazine in 2010. However I had very little response until around 2014. I was thinking "is ever one of my antennas to be built by someone looking at the website?" and almost quit this venture. Today I can lay back and laugh about this silly thought. When you are about to achieve something out of the ordinary you need people around you, people that educate you, who believe in you, who you can match or even put up an argument with, who support you and carry you or what you do. Otherwise it would all be meaningless. Hence my deep regards to YU7EF, K6STI, DL6WU, VE7BQH, DL4QM, DL2QM, ZS6JON, F5FOD, DL8HCZ/CT1HZE, M0ABA, G0KSC, UR5EAZ, DK7ZB, SM7DTT, DL1TGN ... and all the builders of my antenna designs. Thank you! Me with my brood mare "Bella of Bantry" and filly "Rosheen" out in West Cork, Ireland. Short CV I studied physics half way, then swapped to mechanical engineering and added a specialist degree as International Welding Engineer. After that I worked in welding research and development, next joined a small company doing electrochemical R&D including alcaline fuel cells and electrolysers for a decade. Then I swapped to Industrial PLC programming for the Automotive and other industries. Today I lecture programming for Siemens and Beckhoff PLCs. 7arrays.com I sell antenna parts, sealing compounds and LNAs since 2017. Me with Erwin, DK5EW - at my tiny 7arrays.com / TGN Technology stall Ham Radio Friedrichshafen 2019, Photo Credit: DK5EW. Consultance • Welding consultance for automated applications and material and failure analsysis on freelance base since 2002. • Consulting in antenna design and setup issues: see my commercial ventures website '7arrays.com' for details Family I have a daughter age 17.5 which I care for. A passion for amateur radio runs in our family, father's call is DL2QM, mother's DL4QM. One could say ... this is what it turns out when the father is doing a job planning directional radio links during ones own imprinting period ... hi. History My radio license was issued 1981-04-24 at the age of 14. At that time being the youngest Amateur Radio Operator in county East Westphalia for a while. Me, age around 16, operating DL0MI/p in a UHF Contest in the early 1980s. (photo provided by DD4WU, tnx Günther!) Equipment all self made by members of our clubs youth group: FT-221R, SSB Electronic 144 / 432 MHz xvtr kit, 2C39 Driver PA into an ingenious 4 x 2C39 PA by the young DF6VW, 4 x F20 Konni DL6WU Three decades later, around 2010: me in front of "The Giants Causeway" County Antrim, Ireland. Station: • 432 MHz: TS-8111e, TGN SULNA 3032 70 cm, NF = 0.32 dB. GS35b Cavity Amplifier (DJ3FI) , 1 x GTV 70-19m Yagi • 144 MHz: FT-736R, VLA 200 Bipolar PA with modified bias and cooling (150 W), LNA = BFG540x (mod. YU1AW design) with bandpass, 6 Ele. DG7YBN • Hum Bands: FT-102, indoor T2FD. • Projects: 28/144 MHz Transverter (DJ8ES) for the FT-102 + LDMOS Pallet Amplifier 350 W (I0JXX) as Contest Rig. Modified Bipolar 2 m Amplifier: new stiffer & temperature regulated bias voltage supply, 12 lbs of copper and larger cooling bar help to a reasonable linearity up to approx. 120 - 150 W out Take Off: ... is very limited, especially to the West. Here are some topographical maps ... my QTH is on the left side ... Take Off to the West Take Off to the North Take Off to the South Take Off to the East Contest QTH: Köterberg, JO41PU, 500 m ASL Other interests: Horses By a lucky chance we came to foster a cart horse some years ago. I learned a lot about horse behaviour and attitudes by working her from the ground only for the first half year while bettering her state and general caring. Working in a Pony Trekking Venture in West Cork every summer hones horseman skills year by year now. My horse Smoky trotting at hand Below: Family style = daughter when 12 and father mounted on Irish Cob horses down in West Cork
Here is my Irish Cob gelding, ridden and driven, 15.2 hands
and me on Irish Cob mare Bailey at Ballycummisk Riding School
... in case you like to learn more about colored horses: this way please Animals we kept over the years My cat "Freda", Rescue dog "Ledi" - a Golf Ball Retriever and a cart horse, Colored Irish Cob mare "Ilona"
Cat Freda †
Ex foster horse Ilona †
Family dog Ledi †
Photography I love to do sport shots of racehorses or snap shot portraits. Equipment is all second hand semiprofessional gear • Canon EOS 50D • A range of EF USM Drive zoom lenses • EF 300 mm f2.8 USM For a review of the EF 300 mm f2.8 USM see Bryan Carnathan's "The Digital Picture" EF 300 mm f2.8 at an aperture of 4.0, exposure time 1/500, ISO 250, click on photo to enlarge Travels: I have been around a bit jobwise. Detroit, Ottawa, Toronto, across western Europe, Tel Aviv ... and Jerusalem, see my host Gennadi and me infront of the Western Wall. Eire (Ireland) Endless beaches ... As a family we spend the summer break in West Cork, Ireland whenever we can. In case you are interested to find out whats up in West Cork => West Cork Local Campus Motorcycle: I own a 1994 Ducati 916 which I enjoy to maintain myself. Photo: renewing the two timing belts. A motorcycle world's icon at its time, designed by Massimo Tamburini. I am still fascinated by sound and performance. 73, Hartmut, DG7YBN |