• Change Log:
- + + + + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- + + + + 2025-01-02 - Update of annual webstatistics
- + + + + 2024-07-21 - Added Intro to VE7BHQ Tables webpages
- + + + + 2024-07-07 - New VE7BHQ Antenna Tables
2024-07-30: Added YBN 2-9mz, 4.3 m long 28 Ohm Yagi with high F/R and good G/Ta
2024-07-17: Added GTV 2-13m, 7,5 m long OWA for the 2 m band.
2024-05-19: Added GTV 50-6m, 6.8 m long Yagi for the 6 m band.
2024-04-22: Added some Yagis for the 8 m band.
2023-10-19: Added GTV 23-14w, 0.94 m Yagi for 23 cm.
2023-08-01: Added GTV 28-9m LT, 10 m very low noise Yagi with 23 m boom.
2023-08-01: Added GTV 28-9w, 10 m low noise Yagi with 20 m boom.
2023-06-11: Revised xpol Yagi circular polarization feeding theory and calculator
2023-03-19: Added YBN 2-7mz 2.8 m high F/R, good willing 28 ohms direct feed Yagi
2023-02-05: Added new issues of VE7BQH Antenna Tables 50, 144, 432 MHz
2023-01-24: Added YBN 28-8m, 10 m near fullsize 8 el. Yagi
2023-01-12: Added YBN 50-5wrc vs compact 6 m Yagi
2022-05-21: Added two Yagis for the 12 m band
2022-02-26: Added 70 cm GTV 70-4w wideband Yagi with high F/B
2022-01-16: Added 23 cm GTV 23-23m
2021-09-26: Added 23 cm GTV Yagis 5 ... 60 Elements
2021-08-26: Added GTV 70-18w, a 4 m long wideband 432 MHz Yagi
Info on this website, Disclaimer & Impressum
This website is about Amateur Radio, VHF / UHF Antennas and general RF topics.
DG7YBN is the Amateur Radio Call Sign of the Webmaster
DG7YBN frequently writes for Dubus Magazine.
You will find most of hi core output on this website.
However, to get full details, you may subscribe to Dubus.
DG7YBN speaks
Coordinates: JO41RG, WAZ 14, ITU 28, Dok.: Z41 - OV Bielefeld
In 2019 dg7ybn.de exceeded the mark of ONE million real visitors - THANK YOU!
The visitor count in hosteurope's customer service is a strict count: Only 30 min. after a inital access to a page on the server a follow up visit is counted.
Year | Visits p.a. | Hits p.a. |
2013 | 30,053 | 0,715,723 |
2014 | 62,806 | 1,660,817 |
2015 | 96,016 | 3,597,879 |
2016 | 136,619 | 5,898,238 |
2017 | 189,040 | 7,547,602 |
2018 | 242,241 | 8,449,708 |
2019 | 273,415 | 8,772,601 |
2020 | 308,892 | 12,122,280 |
2021 | 304,165 | 11,008,212 |
2022 | 266,702 | 10,202,542 |
2023 | 268,512 | 11,167,786 |
2024 | 296,178 | 10,608,288 |
Flagcounter was added around 2016 and they use different rules
(so there is a little delta in counts).
"Hi Hartmut, I cordially greet you and I thank you for your great and efficient work in designing antennas, for those of us who enjoy making our own antennas, we value it enormously. Got the information from your web page of the yagi of 5 el. for 12 meters band and I have been amazed by the great performance ... "
Gustavo, CE4WJK
"I want to thank you and congratulate you also for the yagi 7 dg7ybn, for 28 MHz, I connect the whole world, and they are the strongest station in Europe long path, everyone compliments me on the line. Thank you."
Matteo, IZ1RFT
"Thank you for posting excellent construction and education pages. Your method of presentation is excellent and your photography is professional.
73, W9IP"
"My compliments for the very complete and tutorial antenna site"
Ron, PA4K
"Thank you very much for publishing such an informative website. I found it whilst searching for a good way of measuring a quarter wave stub for 145.950. I was fascinated to read your explanation of the frequency dependent nature of coax. As far as I know, this is not covered in any amateur books and I had never heard of it before. I had often wondered why one could not rely on manufacturers VF data for critical stubs - now I know!
Best 73"
Russ, G4SAQ
"And again, you have a very informative website. Congrats!"
Micha, PG2M (ex. PA3EPD)
"Look at those numbers, You are a genius"
John, ZS6JON
(when building a GTV 70-19 to my measures and details strictly, which "out of the box" was plotted with -40 dB @ 432.140 / VSWR = 1.02 and falling towards 432.500 as simulated)
Wanna see my real genius?
The T-shirt shows Mr. James Marshall "Jimi" Hendrix
Coordinates: JO41RG, WAZ 14, ITU 28, Dok.: Z41 - OV Bielefeld
The obligate "Disclaimer" acc. German Law:
Limitation of liability for external links. My website contains links to the websites of third parties. As the content of these websites is not under my control, I cannot assume any liability for such external content. In all cases, the provider of information of the linked websites is liable for the content and accuracy of the information provided. At the point in time when the links were placed, no infringements of the law were recognisable to me. As soon as an infringement of the law becomes known to me, we will immediately remove the link in question.
Der obligate "Disclaimer" nach deutschem Recht:
Mit dem Urteil vom 12. Mai 1998 hat das Landgericht Hamburg entschieden, dass man durch die Anbringung eines Links die Inhalte der gelinkten Seiten ggf. mit zu verantworten hat. Dies kann nur dadurch verhindert werden, dass man sich ausdrücklich von diesem Inhalt distanziert. Für alle Links auf dieser Homepage gilt: Ich distanziere mich hiermit ausdrücklich von allen Inhalten aller verlinkten Seitenadressen auf meiner Homepage und mache mir diese Inhalte nicht zu eigen.
Urheberrechtliche Aspekte:
Alle sind eingeladen, meine Designs zu bauen und die beigefügten Computerdateien für den eigenen, privaten Gebrauch zu nutzen
Weiterverbreiten oder Vertreiben der Designs und Computerdateien sind durch das allgemeines Urheberrecht geschützt. Auch wenn dies nicht ausdrücklich erwähnt wird. Es versteht sich, daß alles, was auf einer Webseite publiziert wird Eigentum der Person ist, die die Seite errichtet hat. Es sei denn es wird eine exteren Quelle zitiert. Dann ist dieser Teil natürlich Eigentum des Erschaffers des originalen Werkes. Man kann nichts davon kopieren ohne die Quelle richtig wiederzugeben. Man darf auch nichts in einem Umfang kopieren, der ein eigenständiges Werk darstellt. Etwa ein komplettes Antennendesign von mir. Oder einen integralen Bestandteil davon, wie eine kontinuierliche Reihe von Elementen. Oder einen kompletten Absatz aus meinen Texten von dieser oder eine Unterseite. Nicht ohne schriftliche Erlaubnis. Sie finden meine Adresse weiter oben. Bitte fragen Sie nach. Ja, das schließt auch mögliche Bausätze meiner Antennendesigns ein. Denn diese sind mit spezifischem Material ausgestattet, um genau dem Zweck zu entsprechen eben dieses Design zu bauen. Denn besagtes Material wäre ohne eine Verknüpfung mit meinem geistiges Eigentum eine wahllose Ansammlung von Metallrohren.
Copyright Aspects:
All welcome to build my designs and download the associated computer files for their own, private use
Republishing or distribution of designs or computer files is protected by common copyright laws even without mentioning them in explicit ways.
It is understood that anything published on a website is the property of the person who errected said website. Unless it is cited
from an external source. Then of course, this part is the property of the original creator of named works.
You may copy neither of these without mentioning the source properly. You may not copy anything to an extend that it is a complete works
on its own. Such as a complete antenna design of mine. Or an integral part of a design, such as a continuous row of elements.
Or a complete paragraph of a text on this or a sub domain website. Not without my written permission.
You do find my address above, please ask. Yes, that does even include possible kits of my antenna designs. Because they are outfitted with
material in a specific way to suit just one purpose, namely to build up said design. Said material would be a meaningless lump of metal tubes and
parts without my intellectual property connected to it.
Publishing rights and copyright on articles I wrote belong to the proprietor of the media it was published in.
Consequently, please do not ask me to forward you my articles printed in Dubus or elsewhere. I won't and can not on a legal base. Buy a back copy instead.
Thank you for your understanding.
But you are very welcome to ask me about what you have questions on or whatever it is according the topics mentioned of coarse and
I will help to the extend my time table permits.
Hartmut Klüver, DG7YBN
You will find most of his core output on this website.
However, to get full details, you may subscribe to Dubus.
Coordinates: JO41RG, WAZ 14, ITU 28, Dok.: Z41 - OV Bielefeld
DG7YBN's publications lined up
DG7YBN's commercial venture
• My commercial venture
- 7arraysBespoke antenna designs, pilot models made in own machine shop and more
DG7YBN's slowly growing 70 cm EME station
• 432 MHz EME
- 432 MHz EME stationHow I get along building me a small 432 MHz EME station
- 432 MHz GS35b PAA DJ3FI made cavity amplifier with Russian GS35B triode
My interim array: a single GTV 70-19m
• 10 MHz
- • 14 MHz
- • 18 MHz
- • 24.9 MHz
- • 28 MHz
• 50 MHz
- General ViewMy collection of 50 MHz Designs at a glance
- YBN 50-2wA 1.2 m 50 MHz 2 ele. with split Dipole for direct 50 ohms feed to be very uncritical for home building. A wideband version with hugh bandwidth.
A project for an afternoon ...
Antenna View - YBN 50-5wrc vsA 4 m 50 MHz 5 ele. with hairpin match and split Dipole to be very uncritical for home building.
Elevation Plot - YBN 50-5wA 4.4 m 50 MHz 5 ele. derived from the 2 m 5 ele with split Dipole to be very uncritical for home building. A wideband version with hugh bandwidth and yet high F/B.
Elevation Plot - YBN 50-7mzcA 7.96 m 50 MHz 7 ele. with hairpin match and split Dipole to be very uncritical for home building.
Elevation Plot - YBN 50-9mA 13 m 50 MHz 9 ele. derived from the 2 m GTV 2-9m but with split Dipole to be very uncritical for home building.
Elevation Plot - GTV 50-3wA 1.8 m 50 MHz 3 ele. Yagi. A wideband version with much bandwidth and yet relatively high F/B for its size
Elevation Plot - GTV 50-6mA 6.8 m 50 MHz 6 ele. Yagi with very high F/B for its size
Elevation Plot - GTV 50-7n mk2Revision of the very directive 8.6 m 50 MHz 7 ele. with bent Dipole. Carefully tuned for some bandwidth and high F/R now - all without loosing on gain.
Elevation Plot - GTV 50-8w10.7 m wide-band, still good G/T and nice F/B version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013
Elevation Plot - GTV 50-10LT14.6 m very low noise, high G/T version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013
Elevation Plot
• 70 MHz
- General ViewMy collection of 70 MHz Designs at a glance
- YBN 4m-2wA 0.9 m 70 MHz 2 ele. with split Dipole for direct 50 ohms feed to be very uncritical for home building. A wideband version with hugh bandwidth.
A project for an afternoon ...
Antenna View - YBN 4m-5mA 3.1 m 70 MHz 5 ele. derived from the 2 m 5 ele with split Dipole to be very uncritical for home building. A wideband version with hugh bandwidth and yet high F/B.
Elevation Plot - YBN 4m-8mA 7.2 m 70 MHz 8 ele. derived from the 2 m 5-8 concepts 8 ele. with split Dipole to be very uncritical for home building. A wideband version with hugh bandwidth and yet high F/B.
Elevation Plot - GTV 4m-5wA very directive 3.15 m 70 MHz low Antenna Temp. version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms direct feed 144 MHz Low Noise Yagi introduced in Dubus 1/2013. Carefully tuned for some bandwidth and most F/B.
Elevation Plot - GTV 4m-10LTA very directive 10.5 m 70 MHz low Antenna Temp. version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms direct feed 144 MHz Low Noise Yagi introduced in Dubus 1/2013. A lowest Antenna Temperature version.
Elevation Plot
• 144 MHz
- General ViewMy collection of 144 MHz Designs at a glance
- YBN 3+7 SATA Satellite Yagi with 3 ele. for 145 MHz + 7 ele. for 435 MHz for handheld use
Elevation Plots
- YBN 2-2wA 50 ohms direct feed 2 ele. Yagi with high potential as broad beam Contest Stack.
See yourself and compare to DJ9HO Double Quads and 7ZB Oblongs. Full details on 2 and 4 Yagi stacks are given
3D Pattern of 4 x Stack
- YBN 2-5m (5-8)1.6 m high F/R, good willing 50 ohms direct feed Yagi, introduced as short version of the 5-8 with folded DE in Dubus 4/2012
Elevation Plot
- YBN 2-6m 1.9 m long, good willing 50 ohms direct feed Yagi, related to the 5-8 project (same positions refl, dipole, D1, D2 ... same size folded dipole)
Elevation Plot
- YBN 2-7mz 2.8 m high F/R, good willing 28 ohms direct feed Yagi
Elevation Plot
- YBN 2-7m 2.8 m high F/R, good willing 50 ohms direct feed Yagi, related to the 5-8 project (same positions refl, dipole, D1, D2 ... same size folded dipole)
Elevation Plot
- YBN 2-8m (5-8)3.6 m nice G/T, good willing 50 ohms direct feed Yagi,introduced as expanded version of the 5-8 with folded DE in Dubus 4/2012
Actually it seems to be so good that DK7ZB decided to use it as draft for the 8 ele. OWM he just published.
Elevation Plot
- YBN 2-8mz3.6 m 25/28 ohms version of the YBN 2-8m
The stacked 25 ohms Yagi can easily be phased with 50 ohms coax cables
Elevation Plot
- YBN 2-9mz4.3 m high F/R, high G/Ta 28 ohms Yagi
Elevation Plot
- YBN 2-9m4.5 m moderate band width, low Antenna Temperature, good willing 50 ohms direct feed Yagi - a straigh DE version twin to the GTV 2-9m
Elevation Plot
- YBN 2-10w (5-8)5 m wide band, good willing 50 ohms direct feed Yagi as twice expanded version with straight DE of the 5-8 introduced in Dubus 4/2012
Elevation Plot
- YBN 2-10wz 12.5 Ω5.1 m - 144.0 to 144.8 MHz wide band 12 ohms OWL-style Low Noise Yagi with straight DE and very low back lobes only
Elevation Plot
- YBN 2-12wz 12.5 Ω6.8 m wide band 12 ohms OWL-style Low Noise Yagi with straight DE and very low back lobes only
Azimuth Plot:
- GTV 2-2mA 50 ohms direct feed 2 ele. Yagi with bent DE and potential as broad beam Contest Stack.
It can be used as back-to-back stack:
- GTV 2-6m2.4 m moderate band width version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013
Elevation Plot
- GTV 2-7w2.7 m wide band width version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013
Elevation Plot
- GTV 2-7n3.1 m narrow band, max. G/T version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013
Elevation Plot
- GTV 2-8w3.7 m wide-band, still good G/T and nice F/B version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013
Elevation Plot
- GTV 2-8n3.8 m narrow band, max. G/T version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013
Elevation Plot
- GTV 2-9n4.3 m narrow band, balanced between low Antenna Temp. and G/T version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013
Elevation Plot
- GTV 2-9m4.5 m moderate band width, low Antenna Temp. version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013
Elevation Plot
- GTV 2-10LT5.1 m moderate band width, lowest Antenna Temp. version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013
Elevation Plot
- GTV 2-11LT6.0 m moderate band width, low Antenna Temp. version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013
Elevation Plot
- GTV 2-12m mk2Improved 6.8 m version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013
Elevation Plot:
- GTV 2-12n6.8 m narrow band version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013
Elevation Plot:
- GTV 2-13m7.5 m version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013
Elevation Plot:
- GTV 2-14w8.4 m version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013
Elevation Plot
- GTV 2-16w10 m version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013
Elevation Plot
- GTV 2-18w11.7 m, 17.55 dBi version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013
Elevation Plot
- GTV 2-19m12.4 m version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013
Elevation Plot
• 403 MHz Sonde Band
- General ViewMy collection of 403 MHz Radio Sonde Band Designs at a glance
- YBN RS 8wzA 1.3 m 8 element high performance 403 MHz 28 ohms Yagi for tracking Radio Sondes with clean pattern and comfortable bandwidth
This design is easy to reproduce in any way, with straight split dipole and feed with 2 x 75 ohms coax DK7ZB match
Elev. Plot
- YBN RS 14wA 3.1 m 14 element high performance 403 MHz Long Yagi for tracking Radio Sondes with clean pattern and comfortable bandwidth
This design is easy to reproduce in any way, with straight split dipole and direct feed with 50 ohms coax
3D Plot
- GTV RS 19mA 4.5 m 19 element high performance 403 MHz Long Yagi for tracking Radio Sondes with bent Dipole, clean pattern and comfortable bandwidth
This design needs care when building a large enough calliper gauge for measuring element length is needed here for optimium perfomance.
Elev. Plot
• 432 MHz
- General ViewMy collection of 432 MHz Designs at a glance
- YBN 70-5mA 0.5 m 432 MHz blue print of the YBN 2-5m 50 ohms high F/B direct feed 144 MHz Low Noise Yagi
3D Plot
- YBN 70-8zA 1.5 m high gain 28 ohms Yagi.
A design partly based on the hardware of the WY-7010, turning it into a 8 ele. 28 ohms Yagi with cleaner pattern, +1.8 dB gain and better VSWR.
Azimuth Plot
- YBN 70-14wzTune up your 19 ele. Tonna!
A design based on the hardware of the F9FT, turning it into a 14 ele. OWL with cleaner pattern, +0.3 dB gain and SWR less than 1.2 from 430 to 440 MHz
Azimuth Plot
- YBN 70-14+4wA 3.2 m very wideband 50 ohms Yagi with reflector wall that covers the whole 70 cm band with ease
Elevation Plot
- GTV 70-2mA 0.14 m GTV useful for portable operation up to the satellit band and handheld activities of any kind
Elevation Plot
- GTV 70-3wA 0.21 m GTV useful for portable operation up to the satellit band and lower noise stacks of any kind
Elevation Plot
- GTV 70-4wA 0.33 m wideband GTV useful for portable operation up to the satellit band and lower noise stacks of any kind
Elevation Plot
- GTV 70-4mA 0.34 m GTV useful for portable operation up to the satellit band and lower noise stacks of any kind
Elevation Plot
- GTV 70-7wA 0.96 m GTV useful for portable operation up to the satellit band and lower noise stacks of any kind
Elevation Plot
- GTV 70-7nA 1.1 m 432 MHz blue print of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms direct feed 144 MHz Low Noise Yagi introduced in Dubus 1/2013
Elevation Plot
- GTV 70-8nA 1.3 m 432 MHz GTV with high gain but low backlobe volume. Makes a very compact 4 Yagi bay for QRP EME or contesting.
Elevation Plot
- GTV 70-9wA 1.44 m GTV ment to be useful as a vertical stack for contesting or be an ideal small size portable Yagi
Elevation Plot
- GTV 70-10wA 1.63 m GTV useful for portable operation up to the satellit band and lower noise stacks of any kind
Elevation Plot
- GTV 70-11wA 2.0 m OWA style GTV ment to be useful as a vertical stack for contesting or be an ideal small size portable Yagi or minimum size EME bay
Elevation Plot
- GTV 70-13mA 2.5 m GTV ment to be useful as a vertical stack for contesting or be an ideal small size portable Yagi or minimum size EME 4 bay
Elevation Plot
- GTV 70-14m2.9 m version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013
Elevation Plot
- GTV 70-17m3.7 m version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013
Elevation Plot
- GTV 70-18w4.0 m version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013
Elevation Plot
- GTV 70-19m4.2 m version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013
Elevation Plot
- GTV 70-21n4.7 m version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013
Elevation Plot
- GTV 70-23m5.3 m version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013
Elevation Plot
- GTV 70-25m5.9 m version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013
Elevation Plot
- GTV 70-30m7.3 m version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013
Elevation Plot
- GTV 70-34w8.5 m version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013
Elevation Plot
- GTV 70-46w12.0 m version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013
Elevation Plot
• 800 - 860 MHz LTE
- General ViewMy collection of 800 MHz LTE Designs at a glance
- YBN 850-5wA 0.3 m 800 - 860 MHz LTE Yagi-Uda. Small size clean pattern, 50 ohms direct feed Low Noise Yagi
Azimuth Plot
- YBN 850-13wA 0.9 m 800 - 860 MHz LTE Yagi-Uda. Very clean pattern, 50 ohms direct feed Low Noise Yagi
Azimuth Plot
- YBN 850-17wA 1.5 m 800 - 860 MHz LTE Yagi-Uda. Very clean pattern, 50 ohms direct feed Low Noise Yagi
Azimuth Plot
• 1296 MHz
- General ViewMy collection of 1296 MHz Designs at a glance
- YBN 23-5mA short Yagi with straight dipole for the 23 cm band
Elevation Plots
- YBN 23-9mA short Yagi with straight dipole for the 23 cm band
Elevation Plots
- GTV 23-14wA 0.94 m bent dipole longyagi for the 23 cm band
Elevation Plots
- GTV 23-23mA 1.3 m bent dipole longyagi for the 23 cm band
Elevation Plots
- GTV 23-25mA 2 m bent dipole longyagi for the 23 cm band
Elevation Plots
- GTV 23-34wA 2.9 m bent dipole longyagi for the 23 cm band
Elevation Plots
- GTV 23-46wA 4 m bent dipole longyagi for the 23 cm band
Elevation Plots
- GTV 23-65wA 6.0 m bent dipole longyagi for the 23 cm band
Elevation Plots
• 144 MHz UR5EAZ
- 7S BDEVladimir, UR5EAZ's 2.8 m bent dipole design, very wide band and SWR stabile 50 ohms direct feed Low Noise Yagi
Take a look at the wet antenna performance degradation analysis Vladimir provided to show the abilites of this design
Elevation Plot:
- RS2-12Vladimir, UR5EAZ's 6.8 m bent reflector design, very wide band and SWR stabile 50 ohms direct feed Low Noise Yagi
Take a look at the very complete wet antenna performance degradation analysis Vladimir provided to show the extraordinary abilites of this design
Elevation Plot:
- 7S BDE
• 430 MHz DL6WU
• 1420 MHz F5JTM
• Simulated Designs
- 2 m DL7KM BeamThe DL7KM Double Quad Beam - Simulation, patterns and a modification with improved pattern, gain and covering the complete 2 m band with good VSWR
Original and mod. beams pattern:
- 70 cm DL7KM BeamThe modified DL7KM Double Quad Beam as scaled 2 m mod. version for the 70 cm band.
An antenna with wide band qualities
- 2 m YU0B BeamThe YU0B Skeleton Slot driven Double Boom Beam - Simulation, patterns and a modification with improved pattern, gain and VSWR
Original beams pattern:
- 2 m DL7KM Beam
"Please do not take the Hotel Towels"
Visiting other antenna designers websites just for harvesting design ideas is immoral
• In Practice
- Boom CorrectionIntro to Boom Correction and complete Collection of Factors
• DG7YBN semi-insulated on Boom
• DL6WU / G3SEK formulas and charts in detail
• DJ9BV insulated through boom
• I0JXX insulated through boom
• K1FO insulated through boom
• VE7BQH Cushcraft & Cudee on Boom
• Intro to SM5BSZ's BC.exe
• Microwave BC numbers
• Model Segmentation to real world frequency issues
• The BC-Excel Yagi Element Configuration Tool Download - Yagi Ele. Config ToolMS Excel BC Calculator and more:
Release site for the MS Excel Tool holding an overview on versions, features, Download Section and Manual
Download the NEW Feb. 2017 Release V1.50 now - Symm. & BalunsSymmetrising Devices
from Sleeve Balun, F9FT Tube, EMI, G0KSC, Pawsey, 50 ohms Quarter Wave Line to 12.5 and 28 ohms DK7ZB Match
... plus Test Equipment - the RF Current Meter
A 432 MHz Half Wave Balun with corrected v-factor - Phasing & MatchingHow to measure coax stub lines, produce coaxial impedance transformation lines, Baluns and how to stack and match with coax lines
- Feeding XPOL YagisCircular Polarisation explained and how to feed xpol Yagis
- Blade Bent DipoleHow to produce bend GTV Yagi Dipoles:
Blade Dipole for UHF Yagis &. Tube DEs for VHF
Detailed building instructions for 'Blade Dipoles' and Drawings.
Bending aluminium tubes by hand leads to buckles and brocken tubes. So I show what a simple selfmade tool looks like and adjustement tools. It will make the job much easier. A bent rods online calculator helps getting straight and bent lengths sorted.
DIY - Bending Tool
- Building a YagiA collection of building hints - from DE-Box to bending Support Struts and mounting Elements.
- Boom StrutsHow to produce Boom Struts with a professional touch - Planning and bending Support Struts and making bending tools.
An EF0210LT by YU7EF built by me
A 50 MHz InnovAntennas 5 ele. LFA-Q - Basic MechanicsAn introduction into technical mechanics and lightweight construction emphasising implementations of antenna poles, booms and array frame construction.
- Scaling Yagi ElementsHow to scale complete Yagis in frequency with 4nec2 and EZNEC. How to adjust element diameters from one dimension to another by hand
- Boom Correction
• Stacking Details
- DL6WU Stacking OnlineStacking Distances Online Calculator using the DL6WU formula - including background infos
- Phasing & MatchingHow to measure coax stub lines, produce coaxial impedance transformation lines, Baluns and how to stack and match with coax lines
- Coax & Splitter Online CalculatorCoaxial Line Impedances Online Calculator, Intro to Power Splitters and Power Splitter Dimensioning Online Calculator
- DL6WU Stacking Online
• VE7BQH G/T Tables
- Intro to G/T TablesIntro to the Antenna Tables by Lionel H. Edwards, VE7BQH
- 50 MHz G/T TableThe 50 MHz G/T Table by Lionel H. Edwards, VE7BQH
- 144 MHz G/T TableThe 144 MHz G/T Table by Lionel H. Edwards, VE7BQH
- 432 MHz G/T TableThe 432 MHz G/T Table by Lionel H. Edwards, VE7BQH
- MS Excel to HTMLHow to get the newer MS-Excel only issues of the G/T Table onto your website without using conversion programs
• Ant. Temperature
- AGTC Program => All about AGTC, versions and downloads
- Antenna Temp. + Eval.Antenna Temperature basics, AGTC & TANT
• An Intro to Antenna Temperatur.
• Using AGTC and TANT & Download
• Internal Losses and Noise
• How to run TANT on 64 Bit OS
• Revised Tsky and Tearth from 50 to 1296 MHz - G/T Online Calc.Average G/T, Gain and T_ant Online Calculator, Charts 144 and 432 MHz G/T of Yagis from the VE7BQH G/T Table
- Average Gain Corr. The Average Gain Correction introduced by Brian V. Cake, KF2YN in Dubus 4/2010 as an Online Calculator including background information
- Pattern PlotsAn Intro to plot types, ARRL Style+Standard, normalised and non-normalised gain axis, reading data like F/B, F/R and side lobe magnitudes from the different antenna pattern plot types
important matter.
• Antenna Plots
• Antenna Software
Intro to Analysers, S-Parameters, Smith Charts and their use on a simple base
RF Calculators
a collection of javascript based online helpersCoaxial Relays for VHF / UHF Applications
Filters for VHF / UHF Applications, Stubs & Surge Protections
• Filters
Links of interest for Ham Radio
• Links
- OK2KKWNews Portal Page of Czech VHF/UHF Contest Club OK2KKW, an almost daily edited source for whatever related to RF and higher bands propagation
- YU7EFA primer in Low Noise Yagi design Ljubisa 'Pop' Popa set standards on pattern cleanness from 2006 on, which still are a reference to all influenced designers. Today these seem as actual as never with even DK7ZB following this route since 3/2013
- G0KSCVery Low Noise LFA, OWA, OWL and more designs by Justin 'JJ' Johnson
- YU7XLLow Noise VHF/UHF Hybrid Quad-Yagi antennas by Bukvik 'Boban' Slobodan
- 7L1TIGKazuo, 7L1TIG's Ham Radio web in Japanese, many details on 430 MHz K1FO and GTV Yagi designs
- Dubus"The serious magazine for VHF and up amateur radio"
- K6STI's bent DEThe early and initial bent DE design -
Brian Beezleys "Small Wideband Yagi" - 4nec2 websiteThe free antenna simulation software by Arie Voors
- N0UK EME LoggerMost frequented 144 MHz EME logger
- HB9Q EME loggerPopular EME Logger for 432 MHz and up; needs an account and password
- G4HFQ SoftwarePolarPlot Software for plotting antenna patterns via soundcard or external input and much more Ham software for TRX control by Bob, G4HFQ
- CANFI NF MeterInexpensive automatic NF measurements ham project using a DVB-T receiver and free software
- 7arrays Antenna- and RF-Parts shop by DG7YBN
- DM2BLE > BEMFVPatterns of my most popular (and many other) designs processed for Declaration of Radiated Power acc. German Telecommunication Regulations by Fritz, DM2BLE
Copyright Aspects:
All welcome to build my designs and download the associated computer files for their own, private use.
Republishing or distribution of designs or computer files is protected by common copyright laws even without mentioning them in explicit ways.
It is understood that anything published on a website is the property of the person who errected said website. Unless it is cited
from an external source. Then of course, this part is the property of the original creator of named works.
You may copy neither of these without mentioning the source properly. You may not copy anything to an extend that it is a complete works
on its own. Such as a complete antenna design of mine. Or an integral part of a design, such as a continuous row of elements.
Or a complete paragraph of a text on this or a sub domain website. Not without my written permission.
You do find my address above, please ask. Yes, that does even include possible kits of my antenna designs. Because they are outfitted with
material in a specific way to suit just one purpose, namely to build up said design. Said material would be a meaningless lump of metal tubes and
parts without my intellectual property connected to it.
Publishing rights and copyright on articles I wrote belong to the proprietor of the media it was published in.
Consequently, please do not ask me to forward you my articles printed in Dubus or elsewhere. I won't and can not on a legal base. Buy a back copy instead.
Thank you for your understanding.
But you are very welcome to ask me about what you have questions on or whatever it is according the topics mentioned of coarse and
I will help to the extend my time table permits.
I remain, Hartmut, DG7YBN