DG7YBN - Low Noise Yagis

  Low Noise Yagis

  Low Noise Yagis

Online Calculators  

RF Calculators

  Last Update May 1st 2024

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General Issues

li Frequency to wavelength
li Equivalent isotropically radiated power EIRP
li Watts to dBm & dBm to watts
li dB to numeric & numeric to dB
li Watts in > Gain or Loss > Watts out

Receiver Sensitivity

li Temperature to dB (NF)
li dB (NF) to Temperature
li μV to dBm
li dBm to NF
li SNR to S-Units and uV
li G/T Ratio


li VSWR & Mismatch Loss

Links to other Online Calculators on dg7ybn.de

li DL6WU/G3SEK Boom Correction
li Yagi Stacking Distances acc. DL6WU
li Antenna Average Gain Correction acc. KF2YN
li Impedance of round and square Coaxial Lines
li Power Splitter Coaxial Lines, Z and lengths
li Watts to dBm & dBm to watts
li dB to numeric & numeric to dB
li Watts in > Gain:Loss > Watts out

Receiver Sensitivity

li Temperature to dB (NF)
li dB (NF) to Temperature
li μV to dBm
li dBm to NF
li G/T Ratio


li VSWR & Mismatch Loss

Links to other Online Calculators on dg7ybn.de

li DL6WU/G3SEK Boom Correction
li Yagi Stacking Dist. acc. DL6WU
li Ant. Average Gain Corr. (KF2YN)
li Impedance of Coaxial Lines
li Power Splitter Z and lengths
li Watts to dBm & dBm to watts
li dB to numeric & numeric to dB
li Watts > Gain:Loss > Watts out

Receiver Sensitivity

li Temperature to dB (NF)
li dB (NF) to Temperature
li μV to dBm
li dBm to NF
li G/T Ratio


li VSWR & Mismatch Loss

Links to other Calculators

li Yagi Stacking acc. DL6WU
li Ant. AG Correction (KF2YN)
li Impedance of Coaxial Lines
li Power Splitter Z & lengths

Frequency to Wavelength

Wavelength Cal.

Freq. [MHz]
Velocity Factor [/]

Wavelength λ [m]
1 λ in Vacuum        

    1 λ in Medium        

- - - Common Fractions:
1/4 λ in Vacuum        

    1/4 λ in Medium        

1/2 λ in Vacuum        

    1/2 λ in Medium        

3/4 λ in Vacuum        

    3/4 λ in Medium        

What maths are driving this calculator?

•      Wavelength in vacuum:  λ = c / Frequency

Speed of Light c = 299 792 458 m/s in vacuum

A Wavelength λ in a medium other then vacuum is described by

•      Wavelength λ = (c x Velocity Factor) / Frequency

The Velocity Factor v is a function of εr as relative dielectrical number or Permittivity of a medium. It describes how fast a wave travels in a medium and thus is directly related to change of length of a wave in that medium.


εr(vacuum)  = 1.00000   =>   v = 1.0000
εr(air)         = 1.00059   =>   v = 0.9997

Mind that coaxial cables Velocity Factor commonly is given for 1 MHz or so by the manufacturers. Due to a slightly frequency depending εr of the insulation plastic and hence V-Factor at VHF/UHF cables might be shorter than computed by 4 to 7 percent.


EIRP : Equivalent isotropically radiated power

EIRP Calc.

Watts at Ant.     
Ant. Gain [dBi]

EIRP in W         

and kW

What is EIRP about?

EIRP is a term often used with the topic of RFI (Radio-Frequency Interference) and Radiation Power of Electromagnetic Fields. Simply put EIRP stands for the equivalent of fed power to an isotropic radiator (gain = 0 dBi per definition) vs. a directional antenna with certain gain over the iso.-radiator and other fed power. By referring to the iso.-radiator directional power levels in beam direction can easily be compared. In Amateur Radio use that could be comparing powers of two stations. Lets assume a DX setup for 432 MHz: one station is feeding 700 W into a 17.1 dBi antenna, the other 400 W into a 19.8 dBi antenna. Which one 'pumps' more radiation power into beam direction?

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1. Conversion of Isotropic Gain of Antenna to numeric number


2. EIRP is derived by multiplication of Power in watts with numeric Gain of antenna against an Isotropic Radiator


'Gain,iso' = dBi = dBd + 2.15 dB. Example: 12.10 dBd is 14.25 dBi


Watts to dBm & dBm to watts Conversion Calculator

W > dBm

dBm > W


dBm is Decibel-milliwatt, it references power to one mW - with 0 dBm = 1 mW

•    0 dBm = 0.001 W
•  10 dBm =   0.01 W
•  50 dBm =   100 W

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dB Conversion Calculator

Gain, numeric > dB
Gain [numeric]
Gain [dB]

Gain, dB > numeric
Gain [dB]

Gain [numeric]

This conversion works with GAIN and LOSSES:
• Gain  3.0 dB = 2.00 numeric
• Gain     0 dB = 1.00 numeric
• Gain -3.0 dB = 0.50 numeric

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Getting a sense for numeric gain numbers as Power in Watts is multiplied with numeric Gain, see EIRP Calculator:
• 2.00 numeric = we know that 3 dB gain gives double output
• 1.00 numeric = adding 0 dB does not change anything
• 0.50 numeric = is half power out


Amplification Gain or Attenuation to Watts in/out Calculator


Watts in, Gain or Loss to Watts out

Watts input
Gain/(-)Loss [dB]

Watts out [W]

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Power Levels in dB can be summed (gain) or subtracted (loss).
So we convert Power Input in watts to Power Level (dB) refering to 1 watt (dBw)


Next we add the Power Levels of fed power and gain or attenuation block


or generalised for any chain of gain and attenuation blocks the formula looks like this:
Note the rather explicite notation 'Loss_x'. This commonly would be another G_x with gain < 1.00


Finally we convert the resulting Power Level (dB) into watts again



Temperature to dB Calculator

Kelvin to dB Calculator

Kelvin [K]        

Computed dB or NF

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with To = 290 K = 17° Celsius mean ambient temp. (273 K = 0° C)


And in reverse ... dB to Kelvin Calculator

dB to Kelvin Calculator

dB or NF        

Computed Temp. [K]

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with To = 290 K = 17° Celsius mean ambient temp. (273 K = 0° C)


μV to dBm Calculator

μV to dBm Calculator



Computed dBm

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dBm is Power Level referring to 1 mW


dBm to NF Calculator      Receiver Sensitivity to Noise Figure

dBm to NF Calculator


BW (kHz)

S/N (dB)

Computed dB or NF

• BW = Bandwidth
• dBm = Power Level referring to 1 mW
• To = 290 K or 17° C ambient

Using this calculator with Receiver Specs from a Data Sheets

As different S/N levels are used as well as bandwidth depends, look up those specifications
with the μV or dBm number given for sensitivity and enter to calculator form to yield a correct result

Typical numbers

• nominal BW's: CW or as SSB = from 2.4 ...3 kHz, AM = 6 kHz, FM = 12.5 ... 25 kHz
• CW Filter? => acc. filters bandwidth settings
• nominal S/N = 6, 10 or 12 dB

What maths are driving this calculator?

k = Boltzman's constant (1.3 x 10-23 J/K)




SNR to S-Units and μV Calculator

Enter in dBm

IARU Region 1 rec. for Base Level
Short Wave = -121 dBm, VHF and up: -141 dBm

Base level
Noise Floor

S-Units, absolute
   /    plus dB
S-Units, relative to noise floor
   /    plus dB
Volts at 50 ohms


G/T Calculator

G/T - Ratio

Gain (dBi)        

Temp. (K)        

Computed G/T (dB)

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VSWR & Mismatch Loss

Z1 would be Zo or 'at Transmitter or Receiver' while Z2 could be antenna feedpoint impedance

Mismatch Loss (ML) expresses what Losses derive from connecting non similar impedances

VSWR & Mismatch Loss


Z2(Ω) =
R + j        

Z2 absolute       
( / )
Refl. Coefficient Γ  
( / )
Return Loss   
Mismatch Loss (dB)

Mismatch Loss application example:

Given a 50 ohms feedline coax of 10 m length with a loss of 1.2 dB shall be connected to a 75 ohms antenna. What is the total loss here?

The calculator puts out -0.177 dB for Mismatch Loss, the coax adds 1.2 dB, total loss is 1.377 dB.

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Z2 in absolute numbers is


with this we do the rest as follows



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73, Hartmut, DG7YBN

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