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- • 144 MHz
- YBN 3+7 SAT
A Satellite Yagi with 3 ele. for 145 MHz + 7 ele. for 435 MHz for handheld use
Elevation Plots
- YBN 2-2w
A 50 ohms direct feed 2 ele. Yagi with high potential
as broad beam Contest Stack. See yourself and compare to DJ9HO Double Quads and 7ZB Oblongs. Full details on 2 and 4 Yagi
stacks are given 3D Pattern of 4 x Stack
- YBN 2-5m (5-8)
1.6 m high F/R, good willing 50 ohms
direct feed Yagi as introduced with bent DE short version of the 5-8 in Dubus 4/2012 Elevation Plot
- YBN 2-6m
1.9 m long, good willing 50 ohms
direct feed Yagi, related to the 5-8 project (same positions refl, dipole, D1, D2 ... same size folded dipole) Elevation Plot
- YBN 2-7m
2.8 m high F/R, good willing 50 ohms
direct feed Yagi, related to the 5-8 project (same positions refl, dipole, D1, D2 ... same size folded dipole) Elevation Plot
- YBN 2-8m (5-8)
3.6 m nice G/T, good willing 50 ohms
direct feed Yagi as introduced with bent DE expanded version of the 5-8 in Dubus 4/2012
Actually it seems to be so good that DK7ZB decided to use it as draft for the 8 ele. OWM he just published.
Elevation Plot
- YBN 2-8mz
3.6 m 25/28 ohms version of the YBN 2-8m
The stacked 25 ohms Yagi can easily be phased with 50 ohms coax cables
Elevation Plot
- YBN 2-9m
4.5 m moderate band width, low Antenna Temperature, good willing 50 ohms
direct feed Yagi - a straigh DE version twin to the GTV 2-9m
Elevation Plot
- YBN 2-10w (5-8)
5 m wide band, good willing 50 ohms
direct feed Yagi as introduced with straight DE expanded version of the 5-8 in Dubus 4/2012
Elevation Plot
- GTV 2-6m
2.4 m moderate band width version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms
direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013 Elevation Plot
- GTV 2-7w
2.7 m wide band width version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms
direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013 Elevation Plot
- GTV 2-7n
3.1 m narrow band, max. G/T version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms
direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013 Elevation Plot
- GTV 2-8w
3.7 m wide-band, still good G/T and nice F/B version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms
direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013 Elevation Plot
- GTV 2-8n
3.8 m narrow band, max. G/T version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms
direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013 Elevation Plot
- GTV 2-9n
4.3 m narrow band, balanced between low Antenna Temp. and G/T version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms
direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013 Elevation Plot
- GTV 2-9m
4.5 m moderate band width, low Antenna Temp. version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms
direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013 Elevation Plot
- YBN 2-10w 12.5 Ω
5.1 m - 144.0 to 144.8 MHz wide band 12 ohms OWL-style
Low Noise Yagi with straight DE and very low back lobes only Elevation Plot
- GTV 2-10LT
5.1 m moderate band width, lowest Antenna Temp. version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms
direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013 Elevation Plot
- GTV 2-11LT
6.0 m moderate band width, lowest Antenna Temp. version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms
direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013 Elevation Plot
- YBN 2-12w 12.5 Ω
6.8 m wide band 12 ohms OWL-style
Low Noise Yagi with straight DE and very low back lobes only Azimuth Plot:
- GTV 2-12m mk2
Improved 6.8 m version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms
direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013 Elevation Plot:
- GTV 2-12n
6.8 m narrow band version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms
direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013 Elevation Plot:
- GTV 2-14w
8.4 m version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms
direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013 Elevation Plot
- GTV 2-16w
10 m version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms
direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013 Elevation Plot
- GTV 2-18w
11.7 m version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms
direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013 Elevation Plot
- GTV 2-19m
12.4 m version of the low impedance, yet 50 ohms
direct feed Low Noise Yagi with bent DE introduced in Dubus 1/2013 Elevation Plot
....... |
Performance Data and Geometry NEW: Geometry Tables added
Pattern and VSWR
Download as File
GTV 2-8n Yagi with bent Driven Element
EME + SSB narrow bandwidth version ... strictly G/T breeding
This medium length Yagi is gain oriented for maximum G/T at moderate T_ant for a Low Noise Yagi.
The bent DE (K6STI style) transforms from low impedance to 50 ohms at feed point for direct feed.
Date of issue of this design is 2013-04-28
Performance Data
Gain vs. isotr. Rad. 13.6 dBi
Gain vs. Dipole 11.5 dBD
-3 dB H-plane 39.0 deg.
-3 dB E-plane 44.2 deg.
F/B -28.9 dB
F/R -25.1 dB
Impedance 50 ohms
VSWR Band Width 1.68:1 *
Mechan. Length 3820 mm
Electr. Length 1.84 λ
Stacking Dist. h-pol.
top-to-bottom 2.77 m
side-by-side 3.12 m
*) as in VE7BQH G/T table = at 145.00 MHz
Uses EZNEC's Auto-Segmentation at 380 MHz.
SegmentationBC = +2.3 mm = (144.6 MHz - 144.2 MHz) * 5.85 mm/MHz
BaseBC (20x20) = +3.9 mm for semi-insulated on boom
Total = +6.2 mm
Note: element lengths for Ø 8 mm fit 5/16" too
The Drivers diameter is 10 mm for all examples.
Table 1: GTV 2-8n, 8 mm elements on a 20 x 20 mm boom:
"Ready to saw and drill" data for mounting elements on boom with BC according DG7YBN for standard insulators as sold by WiMo, Tino's Funkshop, HF Kits.nl, 7arrays:
Boom shape: square
Boom: 20 x 20 mm
Offset rear: 40 mm
Offset front: 40 mm
This includes a "Segmentation Density Correction" (SBC) of 2.34 mm
Table 2: GTV 2-8n, 8 mm elements on a 25 x 25 mm boom:
"Ready to saw and drill" data for mounting elements on boom with BC according DG7YBN for standard insulators as sold by WiMo, Tino's Funkshop, HF Kits.nl, 7arrays:
Boom shape: square
Boom: 25 x 25 mm
Offset rear: 40 mm
Offset front: 40 mm
This includes a "Segmentation Density Correction" (SBC) of 2.34 mm
Sketch of Bent Dipole
Pattern and VSWR Plots
Elevation and Azimuth plot at 144.1 MHz
RL and SWR plot - simulated
EZNEC file of this Yagi
Stacking Dist. DL6WU Formula
H-plane 2.765 m
E-plane 3.116 m
Elevation and azimuth plot and data of 4 Yagi bay using DL6WU stacking distances
TANT screenshot
Gain vs. isotr. Rad. 19.5 dBi
Gain vs. Dipole 17.4 dBD
-3 dB H-plane 17.4 deg.
-3 dB E-plane 19.8 deg.
F/B -31.1 dB
F/R -26.5 dB
T_los 5.0 K
T_ant 240.9 K*
G/T -4.29 dB*
Theoretical numbers, no phasing line losses
nor imperfections caused by H-frame included
*) T_sky = 200 K, T_earth = 1000 K as in VE7BQH G/T table
73, Hartmut, DG7YBN