Performance Data and Geometry

Pattern and VSWR

Pattern and VSWR over Ground

Validation of Tapering
YBN 14-5w rmc 50 ohms Yagi with Conventional Driven Element
The YBN 14-5w full size boom length is a 50 ohms wideband beam covering the full 20 m band.
Design date of issue: 2020.10.24

Free space 3D pattern (14.3 MHz)

Performance Data
Specs: with tapered elements (30 > 25 > 20 > 16 mm) free space
14.2 MHz 14.3 MHz
Gain vs. isotr. Rad. 10.03 dBi 10.20 dBi
Gain vs. Dipole 7.88 dBD 8.05 dBD
-3 dB E-plane 55.4 deg.
-3 dB H-plane 74.4 deg.
F/B -28.9 dB
F/R -19.2 dB
Impedance 50 ohms
VSWR Bandwidth 14.0 MHz = 1:1.06, 14.35 = 1:1.05
Mechan. Length 15.44 m exclusive boom offsets for elem. plates
Electr. Length 0.73 λ (14.2 MHz)
vert .Stacking Dist.
17.54 m or 57.5 ft
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Pattern and VSWR Plots
Elevation and Azimuth plot at 14.3 MHz

RL and SWR plots - simulated

Tapered Model Azimuth plot 14.1 - 14.35 MHz

14.10 MHz F/B = 21.7 dB Gain = 9.86 dBi
14.20 MHz F/B = 28.9 dB Gain = 10.03 dBi
14.30 MHz F/B = 28.6 dB Gain = 10.20 dBi
14.35 MHz F/B = 25.2 dB Gain = 10.28 dBi

Pattern and VSWR Plots over Ground
• At height of 16 m (perfect gnd assumed)
Azimuth plot at 14.1 MHz

Azimuth plot at 14.3 MHz

RL and SWR plots

• At height of 24 m (perfect gnd assumed)
Azimuth plot at 14.1 MHz

Azimuth plot at 14.3 MHz

RL and SWR plots

Validation of Tapering
Tapered Yagi:

Setting 4nec2 for the task (Stepped radius correction)

Average Gain with zero wire losses = 1.000 = 0.00 dB

Average Gain with Aluminium T-6061 for Elements = 0.993 = -0.03 dB

73, Hartmut, DG7YBN