DG7YBN - Low Noise Yagis


800 to 860 MHz LTE Antennas

  Last Update Nov. 13th 2015


Why build an LTE Antenna yourself?

In the field of commerially available LTE Antennas for the 800 Mhz Band we find almost none real Low Noise designs. Instead it in a way amazes that many offered designs come with equal lengths and / or distances for the far out directing parasitic elements. A clear sign for non optimised in these parameters design. Basically an about 50 years back in time standard. Would you like to go with that using ultra modern Laptops and LTE connection?

Details of a suitable mechanical construction can be found here
Boom Correction is ∼5.6 mm when applying DL6WU Correction numbers for insulated elements through boom plus an extra tip for the plastic holders to a 15 x 15 mm square boom...

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Attention: Please keep transmission power inside the allowed limits in accordance to your local Telecommunication Regulations. Here is a link to my EIRP-Online Calculator

Yagi identifier notation:

YBN = with standard Dipole (Straight Split or Folded), GTV = with bent Dipole
n = narrow-band version; m = of medium band width, w = wide-band version, z is for low impedance Z, an added LT (in tribute to the EF0210LT by YU7EF) stands for exceptionally low Antenna Temperature

Yagis with conventional Dipole   -   direct 50 / 200 ohms

  5 ele.     YBN 850-5                 10.1 dBi / 0.32 m

  13 ele.     YBN 850-13                 14.0 dBi / 0.87 m

  17 ele.     YBN 850-17                 15.5 dBi / 1.50 m

73, Hartmut, DG7YBN

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