Performance Data and Geometry

Pattern and VSWR

With Ground Gain

Building Details

YBN 28-5L with straight split Dipole
CW + SSB band 28.0 to 28.7 MHz
A full size 5 element Yagi on 8.3 m boom plus front and rear offsets that covers 28.0 - 28.7 MHz with a VSWR < 1.25.
This Yagis feedpoint impedance is 50 ohms.
Design date of issue: 2023.10.03
YBN 28-5L built by Fabio, HB9FAP
here /p with 2 x YBN 28-5L for the CQ WW ctest on the Kronberg in the Appenzeller Alps in HB9, 1660 m AGL.

Click on image to enlarge

Current distribution
All elements 16 mm version:

Performance Data (28.3 MHz, el. 16 mm)
Gain vs. isotr. Rad. 10.41 dBi
Gain vs. Dipole 8.3 dBD
-3 dB E-plane 53.8 deg.
-3 dB H-plane 70.4 deg.
F/B -23.6 dB
F/R -19.0 dB
Impedance 50 ohms
Mechan. Length 8300 mm ex. boom offsets
Electr. Length 0.78 λ
Stacking Dist. h-pol. (28.3 MHz)
top-to-bottom approx. 9.2 m
side-by-side approx. 11.7 m
• For building on a 40-50 mm boom, 16 mm elements insulated with hydraulic clamps like from co. Stauff:

• Taper version, elements 20 > 16 mm:
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Pattern and VSWR Plots
Elevation and Azimuth plot at 28.3 MHz

SWR and Return Loss plots - simulated with 4nec2

Quick VSWR plot check by HB9FAPs friends w. AA-230 Zoom, antenna height 8 m AGL:

3D pattern

Radiation pattern with Ground Gain
At 12 m above perfect ground

At 12 m above perfect ground
Gain vs. isotr. Rad. 16.1 dBi at 12 deg.
Gain vs. Dipole 14.0 dBD
Gain vs. isotr. Rad. 12.3 dBi at 39 deg.
F/B -22.6 dB at 169 deg.
At 17 m above perfect ground

At 17 m above perfect ground
Gain vs. isotr. Rad. 16.3 dBi at 9 deg.
Gain vs. Dipole 14.1 dBD
Gain vs. isotr. Rad. 14.7 dBi at 27 deg.
Gain vs. isotr. Rad. 9.4 dBi at 48 deg.
F/B -23.1 dB at 172 deg.

Building Details
HB9FAP tributed these buildng detail photos:
Element mounting:

Dipole mount:

Feed, Balun 1:1:

to come soon ...

73, Hartmut, DG7YBN