Performance Data and Geometry Pattern and VSWR Download as File
GTV 4m-10LT with bent Driven Element
This Longyagi has a high F/B and altogether very little back lobe volume
The bent DE (K6STI style) transforms from low impedance to 50 ohms at feed point for direct feed.
The name "LT" reminds of the EF0210LT by YU7EF. This design here has slightly higher Antenna Temperature only
but more gain.
Performance Data
Gain vs. isotr. Rad. 14.5 dBi
Gain vs. Dipole 12.4 dBD
-3 dB E-plane 36.0 deg.
-3 dB H-plane 39.4 deg.
F/B -28.1 dB
F/R -26.0 dB
Impedance 50 ohms
Mechan. Length 10,402 mm
Electr. Length 2.43 λ
Difference between simulation using high segmentation as given above and low segmentation per "Auto Segmentation" at 70.15 MHz
makes a delta of 0.15 MHz. With 12.5 mm per MHz on 70 MHz we need to add 1.8 mm to the ele. lenghts in this table to compensate the SBC.
Now we add the common BC on top of that and build a Yagi that is on correct frequency.